Destiny Avenue

The reality of Him.

The restoration of our lives.

A destiny, a future,

An unparalleled adventure.


If you will seek Jesus Christ with all your heart,

You will find Him.

He will guide you,

Heal you, deliver you, prosper you.

Trust Him, lean on Him, stay intimate with Him.

Choose Him at every crossroad, 

Over your thoughts and emotions, 

Choose Him over the people.

This is the essence of detachment,

Garbage for gold.


The world is a slippery slope.

The sower sows the seed.

The enemy sets out to devour it.

The faithful hide it in their hearts.

They protect it with all diligence.

If they let down their guard,

The seed is exposed,

The fight of faith begins.

If they default to the flesh, they fail.

If they run to the Lord, they prevail.


It all began with our love for Jesus Christ. As we started moving in His direction, opposition arose and serious decisions were required.

When we made the decision to press on regardless, new challenges and new obstacles presented themselves.

Along the way, we began developing discipline as we practiced the skills He was teaching us on a daily basis. As we continued honing these skills, we became consistent in our daily pursuit of Him.

We began recognizing that every precious thing must be taken and kept by force. Our way of seeing things was changing as we began discerning the relevance of the unseen realm.

We continued seeking Him and the scripture came to life as we followed His directives down Destiny Avenue.


When we are seeking Jesus Christ,

Living water flows through our hearts.

The closer we stay to the source, the sweeter it is.

The further we range, the nastier it gets.

When our joy is full, we are near the source.

When it wanes, we know we have wandered.


With every step of faith on Destiny Avenue,

The path miraculously extends forth before us.

As we dare to venture out in His grace and power,

It continues to stretch forth as He ushers us along.

Accuracy and precision replace fear and uncertainty. 

Our confidence soars as we continue in Him.


The beauty of His Holiness

The power in His Name

The joy of knowing Him

The peace in His presence

Praise our Savior forever and ever

Far from the codependent craziness

Far from the soul ties that hamstring humanity

Far from the corruption of this world


Destiny Avenue weaves its way

Unfolding before us a journey

Over mountains, through valleys

Along rivers, over bridges

And ultimately to heaven


He restored my life

Gave me a destiny

Filled my heart with hope

His joy is unspeakable

His peace never pales

His power sustains

His love penetrates


Our beautiful Lord

His tender mercies

His loving kindness

Everlasting love


Destiny Avenue goes where it goes.

As we stay on it, our destinies unfold.