Narrow is the Gate

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14

The difficult way is the path through our hearts that we must navigate in order to reach the narrow gate and eternal life.

While Jesus Christ said the way is difficult, the modern church thinks it is easy and teaches that salvation is achieved when a sinner makes a decision or says a simple prayer. 

Compare the ease of reciting a prayer to struggling down a difficult path. No wonder He said, “There are few who find it.”

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25

New Creation

Many will tell you they are Christians and say they are born again, but where are the precious few whose natures have truly changed? Where are the new creations?

Only through Jesus Christ can we begin to recognize how corrupt we truly are, how hard and dark our hearts are, how repulsive our sin is, and why we so desperately need a Savior.

Until we are flat on our faces, prostrate before Him and finally finished with ourselves, we are on our own in this fallen world headed straight to hell.

This revelation unveils the true path to salvation and becoming a new creation in Him. 

If you think that making a decision for Christ or saying a sinners prayer will get you there, think again. You are deluded under the demonic cloud that dominates this profane church age.

When it comes to our salvation we are helpless. We will never save ourselves by making a decision or saying a silly prayer, all we can do is seek Him with all of our hearts. 

Then, it is Jesus Christ Himself who leads us through the painful process of repentance and surrender, and if we stay the course, ultimately takes us to that precious place in Him.


Open your heart to Jesus Christ and let His light expose your sin.

Humble yourself, come clean before Him; only He can take you there. 

Repentance and surrender will go as deep as you let it.